Last updated : v1.0 - 30 april 2018



The website www.eurodomotics.com is managed by Cottyn & Partners bv (J.B. De Greeflaan 12, 1731 Zellik - Belgium) with VAT no. BE0446673122.

The personal details that you enter via the contact form are processed by Cottyn & Partners bv (J.B. De Greeflaan 12, 1731 Zellik - Belgium) with VAT no. BE0446673122..

This privacy policy indicates, among other things, which data are collected on this website by Cottyn & Partners bv, how this data is used and how the data are protected.

By providing your personal data via the contact form, you explicitly give Cottyn & Partners bv permission to use them in accordance with the purposes of this privacy policy.



1. Why does Cottyn & Partners bv collect data?
2. To whom can Cottyn & Partners bv provide data?
3. What other information / data is collected?
4. Is Cottyn & Partners bv responsible for other websites?
5. Protection of your data
6. What rights do you have?
7. Can this privacy statement be changed?
8. Where can you go for questions and requests?
9. Legislation


1. Why does Cottyn & Partners bv collect data?

Your (personal) data can be used by Cottyn & Partners bv for various purposes:

• Cottyn & Partners bv can use your name and address details to send you information about its products and services by post. If you have provided your telephone number, it can contact you by telephone.

• Cottyn & Partners bv can, where appropriate, send you by e-mail and / or SMS approach with news about its products and services.

• Cottyn & Partners bv can supplement the data with other information that it already has or received from third parties for marketing purposes and to better tailor its products and services to your needs.

• Cottyn & Partners bv only processes the data you provide in the contact form as well as the consultation of the Website, with the aim of making the Website and your user experience more pleasant.

If necessary, you will be asked for additional information so that you can take advantage of the privileges and benefits that are directly or indirectly related to your interests. In any case, you are not obliged to answer the questions in order to consult a part of the Website, but the broader the information transferred, the better products and services that meet your interests can be offered or proposed.


2. To whom can Cottyn & Partners bv provide data?

When you fill in the contact form, it may be that your details are provided to a third party, so that a product and / or service that you wish to order could be delivered. These third parties may only use the data for the above purposes. Any other use thereof is prohibited. Furthermore, Cottyn & Partners bv will not pass on your details to other third parties without your prior consent, unless it is obliged to do so on the basis of a statutory provision or a court decision.


3. What other information / data is collected?

Sometimes the Website will use cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to the hard disk of your computer. Cookies are used to remember passwords, user names, visitor data and preferences (including language selection). You have the possibility to set your browser so that cookies are refused. As a result, your use of the Website can be negatively affected.

Information about your computer, such as your IP address, the type of internet browser and the type of operating system you use, can also be collected and linked to your data. Insight into the website traffic and in the marketing effectiveness can be acquired through the business web analytics solution of Google Analytics.


4. Is Cottyn & Partners bv responsible for other websites?

The Website may contain references (for example by means of a hyperlink, banner or button) to other sites. This does not automatically mean that Cottyn & Partners bv is connected to these other sites or their owners. Cottyn & Partners bv is therefore not responsible for compliance with the privacy legislation by these third parties.


5. Protection of your data

Cottyn & Partners bv undertakes to respect your private life as provided for in the legislation for the protection of privacy and in accordance with the General Conditions.

Cottyn & Partners bv ensures appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your (personal) data against loss and against any form of unlawful processing.

The management of the Website by a subcontractor of Cottyn & Partners bv may not compromise the security of your (personal) data.


6. Which rights do you have?

You have the right to ask Cottyn & Partners bv which (personal) data it has collected or processed from you as well as to supplement, correct or delete your data, or you can indicate that your data may not be used for direct marketing purposes. . Cottyn & Partners bv will comply with your request within four weeks.


7. Can this privacy policy be changed?

Cottyn & Partners bv may in the future adapt this privacy statement to changed circumstances or decide to change this privacy statement if, for example, other (personal) data will be processed and / or other uses will be provided to the extent permitted by law.


8. Where can you go for questions and request?

If you have any questions or requests about the privacy statement of Cottyn & Partners bv, please contact:

• By post: Cottyn & Partners bv - J.B. De Greeflaan 12, 1731 Zellik (Belgium)

• By e‐mail : info@consonshop.com

For additional information you can consult the Public Register kept by the Commission for the Protection of Privacy.


9. Legislation

European law applies to this privacy policy